Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I finally received the Notarized copy of our homestudy yesterday afternoon.  Feels good to have it in hand.  Because now there are things that I can do rather than waiting on others.  The next step is to get it sent off to USCIS(formerly Immigration and Naturalization) to get their approval as appropriate people to bring a child from another country into the United States.  I understand it takes about a month to get that approval which includes being fingerprinted.  The suspicious lawyer in me hates the idea of the Federal Government having a file on me that contains only God knows what including my fingerprints.  But, I guess it's a necessary evil.  Hopefully we will be able to walk in to be fingerprinted instead of waiting for an appointment.  I guess that speeds up the process.  My plan is to have that in the mail tomorrow morning.

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